World Meteorological Organization Regional Specialised Meteorological Center (RSMC), Pretoria South African Weather Service
Unified Model running at 4 km resolution (12 UTC Analysis) at SAWS
Unified Model 12H Forecast

850hPa Temperature

700hPa Temperature

500hPa Temperature>

300hPa Temperature

200hPa Temperature

500 to 300hPa Temperature Average

850hPa Geopotential Height

700hPa Geopotential Height

500hPa Geopotential Height

300hPa Geopotential Height

200hPa Geopotential Height

850hPa Wind

700hPa Wind

500hPa Wind

300hPa Wind

200hPa Wind

850hPa Relative Humidity

700hPa Relative Humidity

500hPa Realtive Humidity

850hPa Vertical Velocity

700hPa Vertical Velocity

300hPa Vertical Velocity

500hPa Vorticity

300hPa Vorticity

Thickness Level 850 to 500hPa

Wet Bulb Potential Temperature at 850hPa

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